MySQL migrations and generating Zabbix Cisco templates

What a week. What a month. What a year.

So much has happened, far more than I could or should ever write about.

Recently we’ve been migrating MySQL servers from one hardware to another – for anyone (me!) that finds this useful in the future, firstly “Hello, and I hope the future is better than the current ‘past’!”, and secondly “I hope this does what you need”:

mysql -h "$HOST" -u "$USER" -p"$PASS" -e \
user,\"'@'\",host,\"'\;\") FROM mysql.user;" -B -N | \
mysql -h "$HOST" -u "$USER" -p"$PASS" | egrep -v "^Grants"

That small bash script accepts 3 arguments, HOSTNAME, USERNAME and PASSWORD. Executing it will output “CREATE USER” statements for all users on the MySQL instance.

While migrating the MySQL servers, we took the opportunity to setup a new monitoring solution – Zabbix. I’ve used it a couple of times in the past, and in my most humble opinion it’s failing is it’s flexibility. It’s just so flexible!

We have a fair number of Cisco switches and routers at our disposal here in the office, and setting up Zabbix templates for each is not high on my bucket list. Why do something by hand that can be done automagically by a computer?

Thus this (very hacky, PHP) script which automatically generates Cisco (SNMP) templates for Zabbix.

Simply run “show snmp mib ifmib ifindex” on your Cisco device of choice, and shove the output into the script’s STDIN. Hey-presto, out comes a Zabbix template!

Modifying the default options in the template is very easy; just edit what you like after line 34.

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